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What Are The Benefits of Playing a ‘Princess’ or a ‘Fairy’???

Written By: Janet Doman, The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential

What a great question to ask!  The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential state: ”Children understand that they can be anything, do anything and have anything they want as long as we do not convince them otherwise. Being a prince or a princess is just the beginning of trying out “being anything.” Once a little child is introduced to Shakespeare, he can be “Oberon” or she can be “Titania,” or “Puck,” or “Bottom.” Thus begins a life-long love of poetry and the arts. The benefits of pretending to be anything and everything at the earliest possible moment are gigantic.”  Source:

At ITA we have created plays where children would pretend to be inanimate objects, princesses, fairies, pirates, storybook characters, animals and more!  We encourage and foster creativity in our young students and watch it grow and blossom.  This  is very instrumental in the development of their unique talents and brains.  Whether it’s their acting, reading or math talent, we encourage all of them to grow and develop further!

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