Etiquette classes are often times over-looked and forgotten in the school curriculum. At ITA, we recognize the significant impact that good manners and proper etiquette can have on a child’s path in life.
DID YOU KNOW? In ITA etiquette lessons, kids learn and practice impressive introduction skills & icebreakers, phone & conversation etiquette, correct table setting & dining etiquette, discussions on tricky situations & how to solve social issues with grace and politeness and great ways to help & contribute to their family.
15 Manners Every Kid Should Know By Age 9
Manner #1
When asking for something, say “Please.” When receiving something, say “Thank you.”
Manner #2
Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an emergency.
Manner #3
When you are entering a room, house, school, say “Hello”.
Manner #4
When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can save you from many hours of grief later.
Manner #5
Keep negative opinions to yourself. Do not make bad comments about other people. Do not make fun of anyone for any reason.
Manner #6
When you have spent time at your friend’s house, thank their parents and make nice comments.
Manner #7
Knock on closed doors — and wait to see if there’s a response — before entering.
Manner #8
When you make a phone call, introduce yourself first and then ask if you can speak with the person you are calling.
Manner #9
During plays or shows, behave nice a quite. Remember, performers and presenters worked hard on it.
Manner #10
If you bump into somebody, immediately say “Excuse me.” As you walk through a door, look to see if you can hold it open for someone else.
Manner #11
Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze, and don’t pick your nose in public.
Manner #12
If you come across a parent, a teacher, or a neighbor working on something, ask if you can help and do so.
Manner #13
Learn how to use eating utensils properly. Make sure to use a napkin.
Manner #14
Don’t reach for things at the table; ask to have them passed.
Manner #15
Always dress nicely and neatly. Keep your things and your room organized.
Learn valuable life skills just in time to impress friends and family for the upcoming Holidays or family gatherings!